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My hamster is sick i think

18 16:06:38

i have another quistion. what if ur mom dosent think taking hamsters to the vet is the answer? my mom says shes not going to take a hamster to the Vet and pay alot of money for a little rodent. What should i do now?
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Question -
I think my hamster is sick. He has it looks like sleep around one eye and it looks like its spreading. I think I know part of the cause. Probably cuz tha cage isnt being cleaned out enough by my lil brother. thats his job. We have five hamsters and are trying to find homes for three of them. But i'm not worried about tha homes right now i'm just worried about my sweet lil hamster Snoopy. Please help me if you can.
Answer -
Hi Amy!Yes, it does sound as though your hamster has picked up a bacterial infection due to the uncleanliness of his cage. I would talk to your little brother and tell him that a dirty cage can kill a hamster. The only thing that you can do at this point, is take your hamster to the veterinarian for needed antibiotics. Lice is also a common ailment that hamsters will contract in a dirty cage and your hamster may need to be deliced.
I hope this is helpful!Nicole.D.

i have another quistion. what if ur mom dosent think taking hamsters to the vet is the answer? my mom says shes not going to take a hamster to the Vet and pay alot of money for a little rodent. What should i do now?

Hi Amy!I am sorry it took a while to answer.It took me some time to find away to answer this because you didn't actually send me a question,you put it on my feedback!But,I did eventualy find a way! Yes, unfortunately, this may become deadly without proper veterinary treatment. An antibiotic must be given to make this hamster well again. Without the antibiotic, the infection will continue to spread and continue to worsen.
Please keep me posted on how he does!
I'll be thinking of you,