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puppies legs shaking

18 14:45:00

I got a pit bull puppie she is 10 weeks old she stands with her front legs real wide and the same when she sits but i think that is the kind of dog she is but when she sits down and sometimes when she is standing her front legs shake she does not see to be in any pain at all but i was wondering if you knew anything about that? plz help  

this is the kind of thing a vet needs to look at hands on to evaluate. Some puppies have weak pasterns and that will cause them to shake when they try to stand up. The pastern is basically her wrist.

But your vet needs to look her over and feel her legs to really know what could be doing this. She should be on a regularly scheduled set of visits to the vet anyway for her vaccinations. She needs to be on heartworm prevention as well.

So make an appointment to have her seen either during her next puppy visit or before that.