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Post female Spaying

18 14:33:15

I had my Silky Terrior spayed two days ago. I have noticed a problem. She is so small that unless I essentially choke her putting her cone of shame on she gets loose.  I have tried baby onesies and she even finds a way out of them though they are buttoned closed.  The Stitching was internal and the wound looks clean however I recently noticed she has been trying to lick at it.  Should I be concerned if she continues? Can I clean the wound with antiseptic and put liquid bandage over it? I know the obvious would be to contact my vet, but it is difficult to get a hold of them when it I am able to call.  Please respond soon and thank you in advance for your help.

Yes, licking is the last thing you want her to do. They can cause quite a lot of trauma by licking themselves.

The e-collar is of course the best way to go but you can try and just use a large bandage over the incision and then put some bitter apple on that or some Tabasco sauce on it. It has to dry on there to be effective.

The vet carries the bitter apple but so do feed and pet stores. Don't let her lick, keep it covered LIGHTLY to keep her tongue off of the area and use her cone when you are not home with her.

In seven days it will be less of an issue.