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Cat has swollen leg

18 15:18:30

Looks like our cat had some trauma to his leg. It's swollen and he can't put weight on that paw.  If it was me, I'd take some aspirin and ice.  What do you suggest?


If you were unable to put weight on your leg I'm not so sure you would just take aspirin and some ice....  Maybe, if you knew you twisted your ankle, that's what you would do.  But what if your leg were broken?  What if you got bit by something and had a major infection?  Easy, you'd say, because you knew what had happened and you would know that aspirin and ice dont effectively treat infections or fractures.  

Here's the dilemma.  Your cat cant tell you why his leg is swollen and hurting.  It could be a sprain or strain, it could be a fracture, it could be a blood clot, it could be a spinal cord lesion, it could be an infection.....  A physical exam performed by a licensed veterinarian should get you the treatment answer you need because a veterinarian can either tell if it is nothing major, or something serious that needs further diagnostics (like xrays) and then determine a treatment.  Please note that sometimes we don't actually hear what the pet is saying the first time either.  But I'd say 9 times out of 10 we get it right on the first try.

So, I'd suggest taking your cat to a veterinarian in your area.  Good luck to you both.