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Dont change the bandage? What?

18 15:02:10

I guess I shoudl start from the beginning. My cat Morgan was spayed. As soon as we got home she pulled out the stitches... all three layers of them. We took her to the vet again and they gave her staples, which she quickly pulled out as well. So we took her back and she got more staples and an e. collar. Well this worked out for a while then she got the incision infected pretty badly. So we took her back, again, and she was given a surgery and a tube to drain the pus from the infection.
We got her back today and the vet said to leave the bandage on until next monday. They also left a spot open if there was any more drainage needed. Now she has an e.collar and a bandage around her tummy. This seems odd to me because usually wouldnt you have to change the bandage for a wound, especially an open one? It just seems weird and unhealthy to me to leave the same bandage on for a week.


Well you and Morgan are the definition of when things go wrong, they go very very wrong, aren't you.  I'm sorry this has happened to both of you.  Bandages are not an exact science.  It is not unheard of to leave one on for a while depending on what you want the bandage to do.  Unfortunately, I can not give you more specific advice without having examined your cat.

However, if you feel uncomfortable with what is being done, I would suggest you seek a second opinion.

Good Luck to you both