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Swollen Belly

18 15:50:56

Hi. I have two new female kittens that I have had for 2 weeks.  I rescued them from a no-kill shelter that had dewormed them, tested for Feline Leukemia and the first set of shots had been given. I have an appt. in 5 days for their 2nd set of shots. However, they both have really swollen bellies.  Granted they were undernourished when I got them but I can't tell if their is something specific wrong or if they are eating too much or what. One has had diarhea on and off, but there are no signs of worms or anything in the stool.  They are both very active and playful. The problem is that I am a little concerned about the bellies, but I can't afford to take them both this week for that and then again next week for the shots (this would end up costing almost 300 dollars according to my vet).  Anyway to tell if it's something more serious or that can't wait a few more days?  Thanks.

this could indicate several problems and does require the attention of a vet.  I suggest you get them insured to overcome cost.  However it could still be worms.  Kittens must be wormed every 2-3 weeks until 3 months old.  Ask your vet about their bellies when you take them for their 2nd vax as this will save you money.  Insure them now to avoid high bills.
As long as they seem well you shouldnt worry but ask the vet when they have their 2nd jab!
