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Dog pooing involuntarily

18 15:29:06

Hi Jana, I am hoping this is such a simple problem that you can help.  I have a 7 year old collie bitch.  When the postman comes she barks which is fine!  The past 2 days she has been pooing involuntarily as she barks.  Small bits of poo and then it sticks to her fur.  She will let me clean her back end so its not sore I dont think!  She has been licking her lips a little more than usual too.  Should I be worried?  She is easting and drinking normally. fed once in the morning and again evening,dried complete food and has been on it for years. not listless still running around like a lunatic. Thanks in advance Jana. x

What sounds like a simple problem may not be and the answer isn't simple either!
There are so many things that can cause fecal incontinence in dogs that I can't list them all. Most of all, and firstly, I would be concerned with a spinal problem. Since the muscles and nerves that control the rectal sphincter stem from the spine that would be the first place I would investigate. You didn't say whether or not she let you lift her tail but if she is letting you clean her I assume she is.

Sometimes a bump on the back end will bruise the nerves to where she might have some lack of sphincter control.
There are tumors that can interfere. Without seeing the dog of course I am just guessing at ideas.
My advice is to schedule an appointment with the vet and discuss this thoroughly with him/her.
The lip licking could be pain or many things too, so it's a good idea to call the vet.