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Constipated 4-5 week old kitten

18 14:07:18

Ok, I took a kitten off a neighbors hands who had found 6 kittens in a box on the side of the road. She was looking to find them homes ASAP because she has a 3 mo old baby that needs her full attention. (We are on a military installation overseas and our vet clinic is understaffed, they told her the kittens were her responsibility) I have and the kitten since Wednesday, she gave me one very small runny stool in Wednesday and one chocolate chip like stool in Friday.with that same poop on Friday I saw another trying to come out with what looked like blood but it went back in :(.  It is now Sunday and she hasn't pooped since Friday.  Here is my problem, it's a holiday weekend ant the vet is not open until Tuesday at noon. I am trying to find a local animal hospital with no luck. Starting yesterday I have been adding a couple of drops of mineral oil to her food but still, no poop. She is very squirmy and uncomfortable when I try to relieve her and she cries a lot too so I believe she is backed up. How can I help her? I'm very worried for her and I don't want her to go a whole 4 days without relieving herself. Side note: she urinates just fine, on her own sometimes actually.

Depending on what you are feeding her, she will vacillate between runny stool and constipation.
Kittens need to be on a kitten replacement formula instead of cows milk, which all cats and dogs are (lactose) intolerant to once they are weaned.

If she has diarrhea, which she might have without actually having liquid stool. If she does, her rectum will be very red and irritated, which is what you may have seen "pooching out" a bit on Friday. With diarrhea they can get Rectal Tenesmus - where there is a feeling of constantly needing to pass stools, despite an empty colon. This might be why she is uncomfortable as well.

So try to get some kitten milk replacement and keep her on one type only. That way her sensitive gut won't get all out of whack going back and forth. She could also be full of worms (very likely) which can constipate them as well.

Get her some wormer from the vet when you see them. If she isn't eating a lot she won't have a lot of stool, so don't worry about that. Get her on Nurturall or Esbilac if you can and a lot of these issues with her stool will resolve.

You are doing a great job Cecily! I think she will be fine. Please let me know how she does.