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Skin issuse

18 14:06:12

We have a 8 month old white german shepherd puppy and he has red patches with fur missing and is very itchy. Our vet had found a puppy mite and we gave him the medicine and he still was not better. We just had him allergy tested and it showed nothing except a small amount of fungus reaction. Not sure what to do next just want him better, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

If there are demodex mites on the skin, they need to be treated over several months. I prefer to use a specific insecticidal dip that contains amitraz, rather than oral medications. With this mite, there is often a bacterial infection that causes the itching.  The amitraz dip will also kill another mite called sarcoptes, that causes itching and this mite is contagious to you and your family.