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Puppy was kicked by a horse

18 15:19:47

My 5 month old puppy was kicked by a horse, but was finr when we took him to the vet. My question is; he is still in some, pain not alot but he is uncomfortable, is there anything I can give him? I understand that asprin is not a good idea because he lacks the ability to break it down.

Well it's more like it does some major damage to their stomachs.
You can give him a half an aspirin per 30 lbs. once or twice a day, on  a full stomach. That will minimize the stomach damage.
Why didn't the vet give you something for his pain?
Go to the vets and get him some Duramaxx or something similar for his pain.
Just remember that Tylenol and Ibuprofen are both very toxic to dogs.