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My yellow lab is under the weather

18 15:56:45

Hi Nicole,

I didn't want so much to ask a follow-up as to let you know that I appreciate your response and sincerity and to let you know we took Gabe to the vet. It turns out we had a two-pronged attack on our lovable lug. We recently installed a laminate floor in our kitchen and he has had difficult time walking on it (picture Bambi on ice). Apparently he has hurt his lower back which will require steroid treatment and muscle relaxers. As far as his lethargy goes, he has a case of Whip Worms, which, apparently, is a parasite that sucks blood. Our vet gave him an anti parasitic that he said would clear it up. I did some research on the web about Whip Worms and it sounds like they can be pretty nasty to get rid of completely. It sounds like regular doses of a medication called Interceptor will do the trick. But, the Whip Worm eggs can live in the soil for years and be dug up and cause infestation for as many as 4 to 5 years. Ouch! Anyway, I hope you continue on as an expert here and that you become a vet someday. You sound like you have a very carring spirit and we all need someone like you who we can trust with our pets.

Thanks again and God Bless,

Tod K.

Hi Tod!

I am so glad to hear your dog is doing much better!Thank you for your very nice feedback as it was very nice!I really do love animals and I will be a vet someday!I love when I get follow-ups like this saying that there animals are doing much better as I like to hear that all animals are okay!Maybe you can send me a picture of Gab through a scanner.You will have to send to my personal email address at  as it will not work through AllExperts.I have two dogs,four hamsters,a fish and a bird.I do have many cute pictures of them if you would like to see them!But,I will need your personal email address in order to send them to you!If you would like the pictures,just send me your email address and I will be sure to send you my many pictures!

I hope this has been helpful and I wish you the bst of luck!Please keep me posted nad give Gab millions of kisses for me!Sending wagging tails your way!