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My yellow lab isnt feeling well.

18 15:56:45

I know this isn't your area of expertise, but I thought I'd ask any in hopes of hittng an area where you may have some knowledge. A few nights ago, my lab, Gabriel, had a vomiting spell. It lasted about five minutes but nothing really came up but a thick, clear fluid, almost like not-quite-set-up jello. I thought maybe he ate some grass or bug or something and didn't think a whole lot about it. He proceeded to do the same thing the next few nights about the same time (2am). Now, he seems to have lost his strength and energy. When I take him outside to go potty, he has a difficult time making it up and down the basement stairs. When he squats to pee, you can see him shaking. I've scanned his body for ticks and didn't find any. Also, I couldn't find any cuts or abrasions from some other wild animal that may have found its way into our yard. Does what I've described sound familiar to you in any way? Thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond to this email. Tod K.

Vomiting can be a sign of so many diseases.  Weakness can be from a number of causes, too.  I would recommend that you have the dog checked over by the vet to see if there is something like a virus or kidney disease that might be causing these symptoms.