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dog instant lameness, all limbs

18 14:39:32

My 12 year old sheppard cross suddenly went limp as a noodle and won't get up.  The day before she was running the beach and swimming for sticks as usual.  However she was bitten in the paw, one puncture above her pad, by a neighboring dog.  That seemed the onset.  I had her to the vet for all bloodwork and tests for ticks, lime, heartworm, etc -- and the profile came back 100% healthy.  Now it is a dilemma you pick her up and she falls flat on her face like a wet noodle.  She still wants to eat, drink and bark at visitors.  Mostly she lays on her side, only occasionally she will lie upright.  What should I do?

Thanks you so much for answering!  Lana

This is a very serious issue Lana and just because her bloodwork came back normal does not mean all is well. She needs to be seen as soon as possible by a specialist or your vet needs to do a better work up.
This kind of paralysis is sometimes progressive and if so, is often fatal.

I cannot express enough that these symptoms are serious and that while it's probably unrelated, the bite wound could have introduced some bad bacteria into her system causing this.

Please call your vet and do not wait much longer. A dog of this age doesn't have a lot of reserve to work with. I hope that she will recover completely but the longer you wait the less chance she has of that.