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after surgery

18 15:13:05

QUESTION: My Golden just had knee surgery He is experiencing alot of muscle atrophy We will be getting him in the pool to exercise but my question is can I use a muscle stimulator on his leg muscles to try and gain back some muscle mass? The surgeon is not sure if he will fully can back use of his leg

ANSWER: Hello Diane- How old is your golden boy?  Did he have a luxating Patella?  Also, what did they do?? Did they tell you what was done to the knee?
Please give me more details.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your quick response Spook is 8 1/2 He damaged his ACL This is his second knee we had the other one done 2 1/2 yrs ago The first one was top of the line surgery they repositioned the knee and used steel support this time we had the strapping done also they used steel clamp's. He has been on Cosequin We have another Golden which is his litter sister she is fine so I believe he was predisposed for this We were told at an early check up that we might have problems
Thanks again any feed back is appreciated

Hi Diane- Do you have access to a TENS unit for the muscle stimulation?  It sure wouldn't hurt to try ...
Spook is sure lucky to have you.
Yes, the swim therapy will be wonderful, too!

You may want to start him on some NuVET Plus and NuJoint Plus - They are some Of the best Supplements I know of... I have many of my clients taking them daily - Here is the link for your review:
NuVET Plus - 1 per day
NuJOINT Plus ( 2-3 per day)

Good luck ! I hope he has great success in his recovery.

Marie Peppers / Pet Nurse
Pet chef
Nature's Sunshine / for a healthy family