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very lethargic dog and will not eat

18 15:46:14

My dog has no life in her.  She is a 2 1/2 year old Shi tzu and just lays around.  She even looks sad in the face.  She will go days without eating and won't even want a treat.  She is around people all day at my work and very loved.  What is going on with her?  Could this just be her personality or is something wrong?  She is supposedley a healthy dog, regular vet visits, . She just had her shots yesterday and she won't even move, she looks up out of her eyes and they even look weak.  

You should call your veterinarian.  This is NOT NORMAL.  Dogs will often spike a bit of a fever and may be a little sore after vaccines, but they should not be this weak and lethargic.  She may need some fluids to rehydrate her as well as a steroid shot to reduce some of the inflammation.

Try to get some pedialyte into her and force some meat baby food into her.