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Diarrhea and rectal bleeding

18 14:54:25

A friend from out of state just called very upset.  her little chiwauwa had had
diarrhea all day and is not bleeding from her rectum.  She is weak and has drank
some water but not a lot.  Is she dehydrated?  They can not afford a vet and are
desperate.  They did give her a baby aspirin about an hour ago to help an

Lennette -

Your friend should take her dog to a veterinarian.  I cannot tell you if she dehydrated without the benefit of a physical exam.  

If your friend has financial concerns, she should call different veterinarians and find out which vet can help her.  There are vets out there for every socioeconomic range - and there is someone that can help her pet.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM