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Cat Colds? Eye seeping and gunk...eeew

18 15:44:35

Hi there. My wife is getting concerned about our cat, she proably just had a kitty cold I think. But since we can't afford to take her to a vet we just have to let her work it out. oneof her eyes is seeping a bit and grows little blask and brown crusties. It dosen't seem to be affecting her eye, she dosent squint or anything and lets us wipe out the gunk every once in a while. Is there anything else I can do to help her fight this cold, or could it be something serious? One thing to note is that she will not drink water from her water dish and only from the running tub faucet. I know that cats like running water.. is the tap water causing her immune system  decline? We drink the water too so it is not that bad. Well I appreciate any input that you can give.
Thank you for your time,

The good thing is you have nothing to worry about,  the gunk in the eye sounds like the same stuff we get when we sleep, my cat gets it daily.  The best thing to do with the gunk is clean it out and dont let it pile up.  Clean the eyes daily. The water faucet should be just fine my cat only likes runnning water also.  Check out this site.