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my moms dog has stoped eating

18 14:31:37

good thing she can aford to go with out cause she was over weight but i am worried now she has not eaten any thing in a couple days she seem to be ok but now it been 3 days cant even get her to even eat table food that she loves so much kinda scard me when she didnt drink for the day she is a older dog some then like 9 yr old or so and i am worried about her she not eating the big thing and i think she may not been haven bowl movement what can i do ?

You can take her to the vets is what you can do. She is very ill and needs medical care right now.

She is suffering from something pretty serious, either a liver or kidney problem or heartworm disease or even all of them! Any dog that doesn't eat for more than a day is very, very sick.

It was very hard to read your question as it seems to be one giant sentence with no punctuation. Most experts would reject a question like that so please use proper punctuation next time. Thanks, it's appreciated!

And now call the vet and get her an appointment for tomorrow or today.