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I have an 8 year old mixed...

18 16:07:43

I have an 8 year old mixed breed dog (Golden Retriver/German Shepard) that
has developed what I would call a beer belly. He doesn't drink any beer
that I know of but I am concerned about this because it has come about in
the last few weeks. His diet has not been changed although he always seems
hungry. He is a very good eater, he will eat all of anything he is given.
He has occasional diarrhea and always soft stools. He shows no other
symptoms of anything wrong and is just seems normal and heathly. This dog
weighs about 70 pounds and is not over fed. Our other dog weighs 35 pounds
and both get fed about the same amount. The smaller dog seems ok, but the
bigger one has this huge gut that always is hard like just finished eating
the biggest meal of his life. Any advice will be much appreciated. Thank

The enlarged abdomen should be a sign that you need to have the vet look at this dog.  Often, abdominal fluid or ascites can cause this as well as an enlarged liver.  Sometimes heart disease including heartworms can cause this. In an older dog, a tumor of the spleen may get huge and cause this enlarged belly.