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symptoms of cat with a cold

18 15:26:28

hi, I'm a new cat owner, and have about a 5 month old kitten. Recently (a day or 2 ago) he started getting these weired symptoms, like coughing as if he was about to hack up a furball with nothing coming out. Now his cough seems to have gotten worse and when he sneezes he sounds really congested. He has ear mites, but I took him to the vet and he's gotten his first round of shots done, and is in the process of treating the ear mites. I was wondering what symptoms of the common cat cold were, as well as any adice on what to do with a cat with a cold.

Thanks You

What he has is a URI- or Upper Respiratory Infection. There is no 'common cat cold.'

These viruses (URIs)are quite common and he picked it up before he got vaccinated.

If his little lungs are congested then he needs to see the vet. Otherwise, like all viruses, you have to wait it out and just make sure he is drinking water and eating.

I would take him in however, from the sound of his coughing. You don't want him to get pneumonia and not have it treated.