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Cat illness

18 16:07:30

Hi Hilary,
  Your qualifications make me believe you are the right person to ask this question!
  My poor sweet kitty is acting unusual lately. I hope not, but I think she may have one of those urinary tract infections.
  I've noticed she will squat down with a medium volume meow and lick at her haunch on either side. An attempt to relieve internal pain?
There may be dried blood around her genitals or it may be just smeared feces, I'm not sure.
She doesn't loudly meow when she urinates, which I understand is an indication of painful infection and she continues to use the litter box, I've read cats will associate it with pain.
Or is it all a hormonal reaction to the coming of Spring time? She has been spayed, but if possible hormones will find a way though I've been told.
Anyway what do you think about it? What can you tell me?
Thank You very much,
Joe Szulik

Hi Joe!  Being that your kitty is spayed, I would definately think that this is a urinary tract infection.  Some cats will not use the litter box during a urinary tract infection, but many will.  My one kitty who is female always uses the box no matter what.  The licking and meowing are definately signs of this infection and I would have your veterinarian physically examine her and get her on antibiotics to kill the infection.
To diagnose a urinary tract infection, your veterinarian will perform a urinalysis to check for bacteria and blood cells in the urine.  Once found, your veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics.  Generally, Clavamox Drops will be used to kill this infection.  The dosage is usually 1cc twice per day for 14 days, but can increase with chubbier kitties.  If the infection is not being dismissed by the Clavamox, Baytril is often prescribed and that usually does the trick.  Baytril is a very heavy-duty antibiotic, but can cause upset bellies.
If a urinary tract infection is left untreated, the infection can travel to the kidneys and may cause long term effects.  Urinary tract infections are extremely common in kitties, and nothing to panic about.  As long as your cat gets on antibiotics, she should be feeling much better in just a few days.
I hope this has been helpful and please keep me posted on how she is doing!
Give her some get well kisses for me,