Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > URI


18 14:48:59

     Hi jana, i recently adopted two cats, the second one had a URI and gave it to the first one. Its been about 1 week and 1 day since they have this Infection, they're both doing fine, they had congestion, which is now thankfully gone, their still sneezing a bit and their eyes are still watery, is this infection long gone? or is it still in effect, and also will they get this infection again now they've had it already?

That depends on many factors including what virus they had. Some viruses come then go but if they are not vaccinated or have not been tested for leukemia, FIV, FIP or herpes, they might continue to get sick from these over and over.

Testing them for those potentially fatal viruses will tell you whether or not they already have them, which means a lower immunity to other ones. This also means they are carriers and can give them to other cats. Most of those, except the herpes virus, is eventually fatal. That is why it is so important to test them.

Now if they had your common-cold type of URI, which could be anything from Rhinotracheitis to calicivirus, these preventable URIs can be mild to severe. They are still sick if their eyes are still watery, which means they are carrying a low grade infection of whatever they have. Healthy cats do not sneeze or have watery eyes.

I would have them both checked at the vet, tested and if they are clean, get them both vaccinated right away.

I hope this explains this to you. Bless you for adopting them and I hope they recover completely. Please let me know how they do.