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Maltese dog with puffy red eyelids...

18 14:48:59


I have noticed that my dog's eyelids have started becoming red and puffy.  I noticed it last night so I haven't had time to monitor it, but I was wondering what it could be caused by.  My initial thought is that it could be sand in his eyes and that is irritating them causing the redness/puffy-ness.  When I take him for a walk everyday, we always run around the park because he LOVES the sand.  He tends to dig in it quite a bit, but most of the activity in the sand is just running around.

Any suggestions as to how I should deal with this?  If it is indeed sand, then I stop taking him to the park all the time but if it could be an eye infection than I'd like to get it treated (would something like Polysporum eye drops work??)  If it requires a vet visit I will do that as well :)


It's hard to say without looking at his eyes but sand in them could cause this irritation. He could also have an infection but they would most likely be having a discharge also, one that is greenish to white and thick.

You could wash out his eyes after a romp in the sand box with eye wash made for humans but treating an infection I would leave to the vet. If you have some eye drops on hand try them for 24 hours and if there is no improvement then call your vet. Eyes are one thing you do not want to mess with for long.