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Cats and declawing

18 15:58:36

Hello, I would like to know if declawing a cat is cruel and how old should a cat be before being spayed or neutered?

YES declawing is cruel. Do you want your fingers chopped off? This is an animal you decided to share your life with. If you can't handle owing a cat (and yes claws and all or they would be born with out them) I suggest you hit the shelter for a cat already declawed.

Some vet will routinely do them without any weight on their shoulders (obviously they are the ones hurting for $) Plus many cats do not get the pain managment needed. (Torbugesic pill to go home with ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE) Imagine if you had an amputation done and they sent you home with aspirin? Pretty pathetic huh?

Learn how to clip your cats nails weekly (5 minutes of your TV time is not going to kill you) and have plenty of scratching spots for your cats. The taller the better. Thats why they like couches-vertical territory. So get a TALL post. If you think it will look bad in your living room, get a different kind of pet for your lifestyle.

As for spaying and neutering 4-6 months is ideal. You want to neuter them before sexual maturity.

Remember, you are sharing your life with an animal thats going to love you unconditionally. Don't harm it just because family, and friends have influence on it. EVEN a girlfriend! Ask yourself how long that relationship will last if you are manipulated into declawing a pet?   (cant you tell I just HATE declawing?)

Good Luck