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Parvo and My JAck Russel Terrier

18 15:13:16

my little JRT has Parvo hes 6mnths old, hes had it since the 6th of september he was admitted to hospital on the 8th, after he had antibiotics on the 6th and 7th, hes been in hospital ever since, the 8th its the 13th today. what is his chances of survival?

Andrea -

It is difficult for me to answer your question because I have not examined your pet.  However, I can tell you that there are certain breeds that have a hard time fighting parvovirus and Jack Russells are not one of those breeds. The aforementioned breeds - Staffordshire Terriers (better known as Pit Bulls), Rottweilers, and Dobermans tend to have the greatest challenge when fighting this potentially devastating virus.

Your dog's chance of survival also depends on whether or not he was vaccinated against the disease; dogs that have their parvo vaccines are more likely to have a mild viral infection than those that were not vaccinated.

Good Luck -

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM