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Canine Seasonal Itch

18 15:57:17

I have two pugs that are the light of my life.  The poor little things suffer from seasonal itch just awfull. They chew at their paws continuously, sometimes to the point of drawing blood. One of them is on cortizone right now for the problem. Is there any holistic or home-remedy treatment that gives any relief to this condition? I hate to see them suffer, but I hate cramming pills (drugs) down their throats even more. I doubt that there's any real answer, but I'm very hopefull. Thank you very much for your time.

HI Jack,

ask for a referal to see a veterinary dermatologist to get to the nitty gritty on what your babies are allergic to. This can help out quite a bit.

Atarax, and benadryl are great to use and cause minimal drowsiness for the first week or so (you get used to it over time). This does make them more comfortable, so I would still ask your vet about that.  Hide the pills in a hot dog or other treat.

Good Luck!