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Fleas, fleas, everywhere FLEAS!!!

18 15:40:17

I have a wonderful pup, a 10 year old cocker spaniel we rescued from a kill shelter a few years ago.
Of course, when we rescued him, he was covered in fleas. We sprayed in down with some frontline and haven't had a problem with fleas since.
We try to keep it on him about 9 months a year (we live in GA) I guess this year we waited too long to spray him for summer. He's COVERED in fleas!He has red paches everywhere (He's buff and you can see them quite well since we shaved him down)

In the past month, We've had him groomed (shaved totally down, bless his heart), drenched him with the Frontline spray 3 times, my husband has put some type of powder on him twice. He's had several bathes in a variety of shampoos. We've fogged the house ourselves with a flea fogger. Our professional bug man has come out for our regular treatment (we're about to call him back out to fog for fleas)

What to do!?!?!? I'm covered in flea bites, and I'm pregnant (so nothing the doctor can give me for them) and am highly allergic, so I have open sores all over my feet from where the bites blister up. If we can't get rid of the fleas soon, my husband is going to get rid of the dog. My 2 year old is so attached to him, as am I. I can't stand the thought! Please any advice would help!

You need to get him a shot of some cortisone and some tablets to follow up.  You should be using Frontline Plus Top Spot because that will kill the flea eggs as well as the fleas. If your exteminator is putting dowen Precor, that should help decrease the young fleas that will emerge.  That lasts a long time, but the stuff they use to kill the adult fleas does not last very long. Ask him to come back and do the adulticide more often.  As far as you or your child, you will need to consult your doctor for advice.