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Dog in heat and

18 15:48:48

Hi Hilary!

My baby is in her first heat and her little part is super swollen.  Will this swelling go away when her cycle is complete?  Will everything go back to normal size and placement?

We are definately getting her spayed after this is over.  I never want to see my sweet cute little puppy walking around with a giant crotch again!

Thanks so much!

Hi Jodi!  It is very common for the vulva to become inflamed during a heat cycle.  What your baby is experiencing sounds very normal.
If you notice any green discharge, foul smell, lethargy, vomiting, or fever, contacting your veterinarian promptly is important. These are the symptoms of a severe uteran infection called a Pyometra.  Since you are getting her spayed when her cycle is over, I don't think that she is in danger of this infection.  It is very uncommon, yet not impossible, for this infection to develop during the first heat cycle.
I hope this answers your question!
Hugs and puppy kisses to your baby,