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Dog Head Shaking

18 15:26:57

My older has had her beagle for a little over a year. But we have noticed that she has been shaking her head for the past month or so. My brother-in-law took her to the vet and was told that it could be some moisture deep in her ear causing this because of their other beagle. I really don't buy that explanation! First of all if I has some moisture in my ear and I were a dog, I would shake like I just got done taking  a bath. The dogs head shaking doesn't look like shes controlling it. It's sort of like she's having a seizure or something. She doesn't whine or come to you for attention saying something's wrong when it happens and they only last for about a few minutes. Also the shaking hasn't gotten worse or better, they sort of fluctuate from time to time. One day she'll be normal and the next she might shake once or twice during the day. It's not really shaking but more like involuntary movement. Could you give any insight?

Sometime dogs shake their heads vigorously and sometimes not so much.
If they get small tickle in their ears they might shake it very gently-which looks more like they aren't sure what they want to do.
Some dogs do get yeast infections in their ears from the other dog licking and nuzzling their ears a lot. They way a dog reacts to a little  moisture in the ear is very different then how we would react.

If her ears smell off or feel damp and wet inside you can rub them out with some rubbing alcohol which helps dry them up.

Keep them clean and dry and she probably won't shake them as much.
If she is having a petite mal seizure- she might exhibit these symptoms but usually the dog is a bit unfocused afterward.

There is a wealth of information on seizures and even charts that you can look at to see if your dog fits any of the symptoms of petite mal seizures.

Those happen when only one part of the brain fires off crazily. A full grand mal seizure is when they fall over, eyes roll in head, vocalizing and foaming at the mouth along with loss of bodily functions.

Sounds more like a little bit of moisture bothering her to me.