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sick cat..believe she was bitten by a rabid rodent and fleas of rodents

18 14:04:29

My cat lost weight we believe in the last year because of a move. We recently had and have a few rodents...It looks like she has been bitten and has many fleas. It looks like she has some drainage from her eyes,nose, and mouth.  She is very lethargic and i also noticed a white,gray, and bluish   colored abcess .It looks like it is draining too and is sore...She seems to be swollen in view of her weightloss , and finally she seems to be sore around the nose, neck and shoulder. She also has some blood in her fur. I believe she was bitten yesterday...we killed 5 hand sized rats and 1 larger. There is one rat left hopefully but its the size  of our cat......She sleeps beside my husband and his legs have flea bites and rash and he says inches worse than chiggers or redbugs........We are extremely worried about mama kitty......any advice other than the vet..Important worried about her making it through the night.......thank you,
         Carol & Billy

she does indeed sound very sick. Has she had any worming recently? What are you using for fleas? Does she have diarrhoea? Is she eating?

We don't have rabies here, but as far as I know rats don't transmit rabies.

If she has an abscess and infection most likely she needs some antibiotics from your vet.

Sorry I can't be of more help. I feel a little helpless with questions like this, as this is not something I can fix over the internet.
