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Moving an Older Dog to a New Home

18 15:41:13

  We have two rescued (mixed) Chows.  The younger male is not a problem but the older female (an Alpha if ever there was one) may present problems.  We're not sure exactly HOW old she is but have determined that she is AT LEAST 10-12.  Okay, Yum-Yum has never been particularly social but she must now move from her beloved yard to an apartment.  This will, of course, require her to socialize with other dogs and people. She will also have to climb at least one flight of stairs. This presents a problem since she also suffers from arthritis.  We are so afraid that she will not be able to adapt.  I should add that we are moving to an apt. across the hall from our daughter and her family.  Yums has never been too fond of anyone intruding upon "her space" but now that will be a necessity.  Can you offer any suggestions that will help her, and us, to adapt to this new environment?  It would be so appreciated.


I would recommend adding Rescue Remedy to her water dish as well as getting Comfort Zone (D.A.P.) Diffusers to help ease the stress and anxiety of the transition.

I would also start her on a joint supplement with Glucosamine and MSM to help lubricate her joints to target the arthritis.  You can also use a towel around her belly to support her back end while going the steps if need be.

I would baby-gate her in a room or crate her while you are gone to make sure that the two dogs do not fight while you are gone.  You should also have company bring treats with them and shower her with treats so she gets used to others coming in the house.  Also, make sure you praise and reward desireable behaviors and ignore unwanted behaviors.