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allergies? in Scottish Terrier/Lhapso Apso Mix

18 15:41:13

I have had my  24 pound, 2 year old scottish terrier/lhasa apso mix in to visit the vet several times since we rescued him last year for yeast in the ears and allergies. The yeast started up again in the ears. I am cleaning his ears daily.  He also demonstrates itchy, irritated, red skin. I have him on 1 Bendryl- 2X daily. However, within the last two weeks he has been "after" his penis. He gets the penis to "rise to the occasion" and chews on it. The foreskin looks to be irritated as  does his belly. I am not about to try to see the penis while he is chewing on it!  I have spent lots of $ on this animal. Can you tell me what in your opinion this may be? I am thinking yeast in the private area.  Thank you for your help.

Yeast on the skin of dogs is almost always allergies.  Benadryl won't work, so ask your vet for a shot of steroids or some steroid tablets to give him.  For the yeast on the skin, he may need baths with spoecial shampoo that kills yeast and/or some ketoconazole, a drug that kills yeast.