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Nutrition - supplementation

18 15:48:43

Hello Ellen,
   I found a nine-months old female kitten last week and she (Rhapsody) has received her first set of vaccines.  

 Rhapsody and I would appreciate your suggesting to us an exceptionally excellent source of food(s) and supplementation (vitamines/minerals for optimal health and longevity.  Rhapsody tells me it is called "anti-aging" - Uh- Rhapsody just told me to be weary of commercial brands because she has been made aware of what's really put into these products.  Gee, I had no idea Rhapsody, but thanks for telling me.

         Well Ellen, there you have it, and now you know that my cat is exceptionally smart and talented.  

            Thanks Ellen  and oh- Rhapsody sends her affections to you.

                           David ---& Rhapsody  

hello there!

MY personal favorites to cat diets is either Science Diet or Waltham products.

My cat Teddy, has had a life threatening heart condition that was found out when he was 5 weeks old and I was told by his cardiologist that I would be lucky if he lived till he was 6 months. Teddy turned 5! in Dec 04.   Much of it due to lots of love, lots of heart medication but also to a terrific diet.

If she is on a good diet like those 2, she will probably remain healthy that you do not have to use a supplement.

much luck to you and Rhapsody!