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urinating outside the litter box

18 15:41:41

My cat is female, diabetic, and 14 years old. She started
urinating around the house when she got a UTI, but continued to
do so after 2 rounds of anitbiotic, our vet says she no longer has the
UTI. She is just now down to only urinating on the floor in the
basement (that's where our litterboxes are). She'll go in the litterbox
when we put her in it, so we've been trying to take her every two hours,
but if we miss a trip she'll go down and pee on the floor. We keep the
litterboxes clean and she doesn't seem uncomfortable when
urinating, why would she be so against using the litterboxes and
what can we do?

I would suggest getting some new litter boxes.  She may be associating the discomfort from her UTI with the old litter box, and therefore, not wanting to use it.  I would highly recommend a culture of her urine to be absolutely sure that is not any bacteria growing in her urine--diabetics are very prone to UTIs.  The other possibility is that she is not seeing as well or can not get into the boxes as easy because of the diabetes.  You can get Cat Attract litter, which is an herbal impregnanted litter, to help draw her back to the box