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Itching, Allergies, and Vaccinations

18 15:41:28

Dr. Gotthelf,

I adopted my dog about a year and a half ago when he was 9 months old.  Tanner is a mix-breed (shepherd and others it seems) who now weighs approximately 50 lbs.  

Shortly after adopting him he began itching, incessantly - often scratching, licking, and biting himself so badly that he would draw blood and there were bald patches around his hind quarters where he would chew on himself.  After several trips to the local vet, he was treated with steroids and Ivermectin to rule out mange.  After the course of steroids was over, the itching continued.  

Since that time, I've tried numerous food trials to rule out a food allergy, but to no consistant results.  

After taking Tanner to a dermatologist and having both blood and intradermal allergic tests conducted, the results indicated that he was rather allergic to dust mites, and to storage mites.  Switching to a moist food seemed to help some with the storage mite allergy, but not significantly.  I settled on feeding him Dick Van Patten's Natural Balence Turkey Food Rolls, but to be honest, the most significant improvement seemed to have taken place as time went by and his initial vaccinations wore off.  

When it was time to renew his vaccinations, I asked the local vet whether I should be concerned or cautious about administering all possible vaccinations as it may disturb his immune system and therefor intensify his itching again.  The vet didn't see the need for any concern and administered a 3-year rabies and a cocktail of other vaccinations all at once.  Tanner responded as I had feared and began itching, licking, and biting himself intensely again.  I stopped giving him the monthly heartworm preventative (Interceptor) because it only seemed to make it worse.  

My question therefore, has several parts.  How can I help reduce his itching if it is a result of the vaccinations?  How do I keep him worm-free without administering the traditional treatment once a month?  Should I be feeding him something different?

Any thouhgts and advice would be welcome and appreciated.  Many thanks in advance.  

Vaccinations do sttimulate the immune system, so giving him vaccinations on a staggered schedule is perfectly acceptable rather than giving him so many antigens at one time.  We will give Rabies every 3 years, distemper/parvo every 3 years, and lepto every 3 years or even eliminate lepto. Discuss this with your vet.  There are unflavored heartworm tablets that can be given rather that meat based tabs.  As far as the food, if you find a food that he thrives on without itching, use it.  You might try a venison and potato diet for 2-3months to see if changing his dietary proteins willhelp.  Also, adding Omega3 fatty acids to the diet will help reduce the sensitivity of the skin to the mite allergens.  Do weekly bathing to help remove the allergens from the dog's skin.