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Long Bone in a Std Poodle

18 15:24:00


My Std Poodle, Smoke
Hello Diana,
I was wondering if you have ever heard of Long Bone in the larger breeds of dogs.  I have heard of it just as hearsay and I don't really know what it is.  I have a 9 month old Silver Std Poodle that has been limping on and off on his front left leg ever since he was about 5-6 months old.  He will start limping without any apparent cause, then stop about 4-5 days later.  He is going to be a large Standard Poodle, he is about 55-60lbs now and about 25" at the shoulder.  He isn't overweight, is healthy, not in any physical pain and is active and playful like a Std Puppy should be.  Do you think this is something he will grow out of and is there anything I can do to help him; massage, diet,limiting his activities, etc.
Kim and my boy, Smoke

Long Bone Disease is another term use for Panosteitis a temporary though painful syndrome where there is membrane inflammation during the process of bone growth in large breed dogs.  It generally occurs around 5-12 months of age so it is a possibility in Smoke's case.  The best recommendations if he is affected with panosteitis is keeping his weight low and limiting exercise.  He would grow out of this condition.

Has smoke been checked by your veterinarian?  They would be able to do radiographs to look for panosteitis. Also intermittent lameness can be caused by patellar luxation. This is a condition where the kneecap (patellar) slips sideways out of the groove that it normally sits in.  Once the patella returns to a normal position the lameness can resolve until the net time that the patella slips out of place.  This can be repaired surgically if found to be the case for Smoke so if he has not yet been examined by your veterinarian I would suggest having this done.

Best of luck to you and your canine companion.