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Cats and clawing

18 15:46:41

I have three cats - one girl who is an absolute angeL and two boys who are DEMONS!  One of the boy cat's has feline leukemia and my vet said he cannot be declawed because of it.  The boys have clawed ALL of my furniture and drapes and I am just beside myself.  No matter how much I yell, squirt, use two way tape - whatever I try is to no avail.  I am at my wits end - how do you stop a cat from clawing and jumping everywhere they should not!  I can't declaw one and not the other.  Should I not declaw the sick cat?PLEASE HELP!

If there is a positive feline leukemia test, that does not mean that the cat is sick.  Has the vet done a second test to confirm the diagnosis. It could be a transient viremia that will go away after some time, it could be that he is a viral carrier and not sick, or he may truly be sick from this virus.  If the cat is not sick, then declawing should not influence his health.

There are nail "caps" that the vet can apply that are latex rubber and they are cemented onto the trimmed nails.  These need replacing every couple of months.