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Young Beagle

18 16:06:59

Followup To
Question - He has stopped drooling...should I still get him to the vet.  He is acting normal, eating, drinking, playing, etc.  Thanks so much for your advise.

I have a six month old beagle.  All of a sudden within the last 24-hours, he has been drooling excessively.  This is something totally new.  His behavior seems normal, as well as eating and drinking.  His mouth is salvating excessively and he had never displayed this before.  He is also an indoor dog with our house being cool and not hot.  Any ideas what this could be?

Thanks so much
Answer -
Hi Suzanne.  I would highly recommend a vet visit, as animals tend to excessively drool when they have come into contact/or ingested something toxic.  Drooling is usually the beginning signs, so getting him to the vet promptly for some activated charcoal to detoxify him would be a good idea.
Please let me know how he does,

Hi Suzanne!  Since he has stopped drooling and is showing no other symptoms, I would think that whatever was affecting him has passed.  If you notice diarrhea or soft stools, I would recommend a vet visit, but as for now, just keep a close eye on him for any other symptoms.
I hope that this has been helpful!
Give him some kisses for me!