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sick kitten has blood in stool

18 16:08:36

my kitten is abouut 6 months old.  i noticed blood in her stool about two weeks ago.  She was spade last thursday, and the blood has continued. the vet checked a stool sample and thought it was a parasite.  i have not been feeding her anything but her cat food, and i don't think she's gotten into anything that she's not supposed to.  she is a farm kitten, but was de-wormed at the farm, and then again by the vet.  also, today she threw-up some slimy, mucas-like clear substance with hair.  i've never had cats before, and am not sure if this is normal, or if it could be related to the surgery, or the blood in the stool.  could you please give me your opinion on what may be wrong with her, and what i should do to treat it.

thanks, karin

Hi Karin,
  I don't think the blood in the stool is related to her surgery. It's very possible that intestinal worms could be causing the blood in the stool, especially since she is a farm kitty. ( You might have to deworm her like monthly)She is more likely to pick up parasites from rodents and stuff that she might kill outside. And on the other side of that since she does go outside you can't be totally sure she hasn't just eaten something that has upset her tummy. Also it sounds like she may have vomited up a hairball. You can goto a pet store and pick up some hairball paste (Laxatone or Petramalt) and give it to her on her food or smear it on her paw so she will lick the paste. This will help her with the hairballs. Take care and good luck to you!