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High White Blood Cell Count

18 15:00:30

I took my 7 year old Shih_tzu to the vet at the end of March as she was not herself, had quit eating and her gums and tongue were very pale.  After a complete blood cell, urine, and stool samples were checked along with an xray they told me she was anemic, had an elevated white blood cell count, swollen lymph nodes in her neck and an enlarged spleen.  They were worried about how high the white count was.  They gave me sterroids and an antibiotic.  After 4 more blood checks her red cell count has gone back up but her whites are also still rising.  She has been on the antibiotic for 17 days with another couple weeks of meds yet.  They have been in contact with a vet hospital and I will likely be taking her in this week.  I was wondering in the course of your experience what are they likely going to tell me. At first they thought autoimmune disease but i am thinking they are veering away from that now.

I could not possibly tell you what this might be. This is a hands on along with blood work type of issue. In other words, the dog would need to be seen physically to assess what the blood work is saying.
I am a vet tech and don't diagnose anyway.
So if you need the opinion of a vet, I suggest you re-post this to one of the vets in this site.
I am sorry I cannot be of more help and I do hope she makes a complete recovery.