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worming programs

18 15:40:43

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Question -
hi ,
  i was wondering if you could help me i am looking for a worming program suitable for a dog from birth to two years of age.
Answer -

That would very much depend on where you are living, what your dog eats,like possibly any type of live animal etc. Is your dog dewormed at all, or is it the first time? If it has before, when was the last time? Please let me know on these, so that I can answer you.

Kind Regards
I live in NSW, Australia, and i am getting a maltese terrier puppy in a couple of weeks they will have not been wormed yet. please let me know if you need any more information before you can help me with a worming program for my puppy

Hi again!

Deworming is an important thing on a puppy, and it also depends on how many months old she/he will be. The program would also depend on which drug you are using, because each would be effective on some types of worms and with differing periods also. There are some types of tablets which have many of the ingredients combined, in that case you need to give one dose, then a repeat after 10-15 days. But some of the drugs don't have it all, so you need to alter them. Since I don't know which products you have available over there, I can not give you an exact schedule. Do you have the drugs available to you in your country without a veterinarian prescription? I think that it is best that you get your puppy checked by a vet when you first get it, and get the program also.

Kind Regards