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staf bull terrier

18 14:39:08

Niece has staf bull terrier 2yrs it 6mths ago.only gets dry dog food..past couple weeks started biting through to skin on her lower back,itchy and dog moaning with pain,always crying.

This sounds like a case of flea-bite allergies. Dogs always go after their lower backs when they get bit by fleas because they can't chew on their chests. It's simply the easiest place to get to.

If it is not fleas, and I am pretty sure that it is, then she could be having pain in her lower back or her spine. In either case she should be seeing a vet to determine if it is her back or spine.

If you find fleas on her then you need to get on a flea control program and the best way to do that is to go to the vets and get some Ovitrol spray to kill the adults and then get her on Sentinel to render the rest of the fleas sterile. In a few months you would have no fleas left at all.

I can give you a more detailed flea treatment plan if you do find fleas on her. Just let me know.

Otherwise you need to have the vet look her over.