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mom weenie dog just weened pup

18 14:46:27

I am not sure what to do. My mom weenie dog just started acting funny...not eating...and swollen tits. We just gave her puppy away 2 days ago that was born Oct.7th. I am not sure what to so any advice would be helpful...Thank You. Amy

Was this dog nursing all this time? For one thing, she is lonely for her puppy- after two months they get attached just as we do. Since she was still nursing, she is now engorged. To keep her from developing an abscess, use some warm and cool compresses on her alternating warm and cool for about 10 mins each one. Do that for an hour then wait an hour or two and do it again.

This should be done over the next couple of days to help her lessen her milk supply and take down the swelling.

If she abscess a teat you need to get her into the vet right away as these can be nasty infections.

She will start eating again once her teats feel better and a few days have passed without son. Play with her a lot to make up for him being gone.