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Pregnant cat (9 months old)

18 14:05:58

We aren't sure how far along she is in her pregnancy or when she conceived but, we noticed about a month ago that her tummy was starting to get fairly round and soon after that her babies starting moving. She is nesting, bathing her genitals and nipples pretty often. Last night we took her temperature and it was 100.1F but we took it again today and is was back to 101.2F. How long do you think she has until she gives birth? And is all of the signs normal?

Their temperature will drop to 99 degrees for 24-48 hours before starting labor.
Since this cat is too young to be having kittens, be sure to advice your vet to be on hand. Often young, first time mothers can run
Into problems such as stuck kittens in the birth canal etc.
hopefully she has been free feeding kitten food such as Sciencr Diet Kitten Growth as she will need it for lactating.
She can be spayed when the kittens are weaning at 5-6 weeks.  

Everything else sounds like she is on track.