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hi i just got my hampster...

18 16:05:48

hi i just got my hampster lastnight and when i got up this morning it had
something red hanging from it butt and it was bleeding and so i went to
work and thought it would be gone and i got back home and it is still
there is, what can i do for her  

Hi there!  I am so sorry you are going through this!  I am going to be completely honest with you here.  Take the hamster back to where you got it from.  I am assuming you got it from a pet store.  Hamsters get a condition called Wet Tail.  This is actually diarrhea, but is deadly to hamsters.  What you are seeing is a rectal proplapse...which means, disgusting but true, his/her intestines are beginning to come out of his/her body from straining.  I wish I could tell you something more positive, but to be honest with you, this hamster will die.  Taking it back to the pet store would be your best bet, and there is usually a seven day health guarentee which will enable you to get another hamster for free.  I wish I could be of more help.
Hang in there,