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HOW TO TREAT:Signs of...

18 16:05:34


Signs of Ill Health
Lyme Disease
Dental Health
First Aid  

Signs of Ill Health...loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, weight loss, excessive thirst, excessive urination, difficult or bloody urination, fever, swollen lymph nodes....there are many and a lot of similar to people when ill

Cancer ... chemotherapy is given to animals in a similar fashion as is given to people....the specific drugs are taylored to the type of cancer diagnosed

Lyme Disease ... Antibiotics are given of which Doxycycline is the one of choice.

Parasites ... depends on the type of parasite.  Roundworms, Hookworms and Whipworms are treated with Drontal Plus or Panacur or Interceptor (at my office), Tapeworms are treated with Droncit or Drontal, Giardia is treatedd with Flagyl, Coccidia is treated with Albon or TMS.

Rabies ... there is no treatment...this is fatal...vaccination is the only prevention.

Toxoplasmosis ... treated usually with Clindamycin.

Dental Health ... daily brushing with pet tooth paste, chews such as greenies, rawhides and dentabones and professional teeth cleanings.

Vaccinations ... depends on the animal and it's risk or exposure level.  Core vaccinations for dogs are Distemper combo and Rabies.  Optional vaccines are for Lyme Disease, Bordetella (Kennel Cough) and Giardia.  Core vaccinations for cats are Distemper combo and Rabies.  Optional vaccinations for cats are Leukemia (recommended if outside cat) and FIP.

First Aid ... best to have a first aid kit with things like peroxide, alcohol, bandages, tweezers, slip lead, gloves, neosporin, scissors, thermometor, guaze...similar to what you would have for person.

For more information, I invite you to visit my website at and look in the encylcopedia for specific diseases and treatments.