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Sedatives on pets

18 15:04:05

I have to shift my dog, German Shepherd 10 yrs old via 21 hr long journey in train in India.
One doctor has suggested to put him on a sedative, which would be effective for 21hrs.
Tell me, would it be safe to use it on him for 21hrs, and is any sedative effective for that long a duration.

I will be very grateful if you could send me the information as soon as possible

Amrita -

I generally do not recommend sedatives for pets on trips - long or short trips. Sedative often have a different effect when an animal is placed in an extremely stressful situation causing the animal to feel "out of sorts" and out of control.  Being sedated (feeling weird) and traveling in an unfamiliar area might be extra stressful to your pet.

I do not know what sedative your veterinarian is planning to administer to your dog, and therefore cannot tell you if it would be safe for your dog.  You should share your concerns with your vet; he/she should be able to answer your questions and help you decide what is best for your dog.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell,DVM