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have dog problem

18 14:43:35

HellO:  I have a 5 year old bishon poodle mix, 16 lbs.  Very healthy, but recently in the past two weeks, she has developed a bad stain (reddish-pink; not blood) around the anus and vulva. I have tried to watch her food intake, have her on iams food, with  no color dyes.  She is in good spirits, eats well, and no constipation.  What is going wrong?   Thanks, Geri

Reddish brown staining is from saliva or urine leaking out of whatever orifice in question. Staining is from the iron in the fluid and when it sits on the hair a while it starts to stain it brown. It;s not from any color in the food.

If she has a new staining in that area then she might be having some urine leakage at night. This is not uncommon with spayed dogs. Check her bedding and feel it to see if it's wet.

If she is having some issues with urine the next step is to have the vet look at her and check her bladder for stones or tone. Lack of tone is what causes the leakage and hormones (or the lack thereof) is what causes the lack of tone.

So the vet has to determine which it is.