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i am worried about my morkie

18 14:43:35

I have a 5 month old morkie, and last night she was "normal" and this morning i don't know what is wrong with her. Every morning she is ready to go , at my heels jumping all over, running , playing with toys, eating drinking, and today she is doing absolutely nothing , it is starting to worry me and i don't know what to do.

Well Lindsay,
a five month old puppy can have many things going on. She might be teething - this is the age the adult canines come in and they can hurt. Her four month molars might be finishing erupting which can also be uncomfortable for them. Most of the time dogs sail right through teething and some don't.

She could be coming into heat if she isn't spayed yet (and she should be). She might feel dumpy from that. She might have a tummy ache from something she ate last night.

She could also be coming down with a virus. You didn't mention her vaccination history so I have no way of knowing if she is protected. The worst of these viruses that puppies can get is parvo and distemper.

So if she doesn't get better today then you should get her in to the vets.