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18 14:56:00

Recently,i notice tiny flakes on the underside of the ear and around the neck of my 4 year old schnauzer and he keeps scratching it and i am worried.Will it spread around him and other animals?Do i have to bring him to the vet anytime now?Last month he just went to the vet because of a infection and he had to put medicine and wear a flea collar,does this have to do with the falkes.Pls reply as i am worried that he will scratch till it bleeds.Thank you do much.

Yap su chii -

Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what is going on with your dog's skin without the benefit of a physical exam.  Flakiness usually means dry skin which may indicate that your dog needs more essential fatty acids in his diet,  but that would depend on the type of food your dog is being fed.  Feed a premium diet and that will help to keep the skin/coat healthy.  

Your pet may be scratching because of the flea collar.  In my experience, flea collars have not been very helpful in controlling fleas and often cause irritation to the skin (especially around the neck).  Try a topical flea preventative such as Frontline or Advantage. Such treatments are safe and highly effective.

Consult with your veterinarian concerning the flea collar and your dog's possible reaction to it.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM